What is Zinc and ZMA?
Zinc is an essential dietary mineral which has a direct effect on your immune system, cell division, and it is necessary for androstenedione to be converted into testosterone.
ZMA is what athletes call supplementation when you combine zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6.
Zinc by itself has had some outstanding scientific case studies showing its powerful benefits but when combined with magnesium and B6 the testosterone boosting capability greatly increases.
Zinc and ZMA Boost Testosterone

Human Case Study 1
For starters let’s look at the Western Washington University study done on the effects of supplementing with zinc, magnesium and vitamin b6 (used to enhance the absorption of Z and magnesium).
Researchers stated that “ZMA supplementation was associated with improved anabolic hormone profile and muscle function in already strength-trained varsity collegiate football players“. (1)
Let me be clear, there is no scientific bases for thinking Z will increase testosterone production if you are getting all that your body needs from your diet.
With that said, the above-mentioned study was done on strength trained football players in their prime and it still boosted their testosterone and strength.
This is partly because it’s hard to get enough Z in your diet and physical stress, whether it be from exercise or a demanding job, increases your need for zinc.
Human Case Study 2
Another study on wrestlers supplementing with zinc every day for 1 month were shown to have significantly higher testosterone and thyroid hormone levels compared to a placebo group which actually saw a decrease in both hormones likely due to the heavy workload. (2)
Human Case Study 3
One last study with “sedentary male volunteers” subjected to “fatiguing bicycle exercise” over a 4 week period were able to maintain and increase both total and free testosterone levels compared to the placebo group. (3)
Protects Against Exercise Induced Testosterone Reduction
The last two studies suggest zinc can not only increase testosterone, but it protects men from exercise induced reduction in testosterone levels which is a problem all active men have to deal with.
May Block Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
It’s also possible that it works to lower SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin) levels which binds to and inhibits the function of testosterone. (4)
As a side note, supplementing with boron is another great way to decrease SHBG levels.
Are You Deficient?
Deficiencies of zinc can lead to a decrease in androgen receptors, an increase in estrogen receptors, and may increase aromatization of testosterone to estrogen like low levels of vitamin D.
A deficiency can have a drastic impact on your testosterone levels and zinc cannot be stored by the body so it must be consumed daily.
Given testosterone levels in men can vary greatly by the hour along with the fact we all know it’s impossible to eat everything we need for proper nutrition every single day of our lives, this is an important mineral to supplement with.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute, marginal Z deficiency affects more than 2 billion people worldwide! (5)
How to Take It
We could go on and on with studies but it’s clear having enough zinc in your system plays a major role in testosterone levels and it’s imperative you are not deficient.
We also know how hard it is to eat right all day, every day, with so much going on in life.
ZMA supplementation is a must to ensure maximum testosterone levels.
I recommend you take between 10 – 20 mgs of zinc every day, optimally along with magnesium and vitamin B6 for the ZMA complex and maximum potency.
The Force X7 Difference
Our natural T booster Force X7 includes the ZMA complex in its formulation with:
- Zinc – 15 mg
- Magnesium – 45 mg
- Vitamin B6 – 2.5 mg
It also includes 10 additional vitamins, minerals and herbs to help you maximize your testosterone.
- Brilla, L.R. and V. Conte, Z, Magnesium Supplementation, Hormones and Strength. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 2000. 3(4). – Link
- Kilic, M., et al., The effect of exhaustion exercise on thyroid hormones and testosterone levels of elite athletes receiving oral Z. Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2006. 27(1-2): p. 247-52. – Link
- Kilic, M., Effect of fatiguing bicycle exercise on thyroid hormone and testosterone levels in sedentary males supplemented with oral zinc. Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2007. 28(5): p. 681-5. – Link
- Hammond, G. L., Avvakumov, G. V., & Muller, Y. A. (2003). Structure/function analyses of human sex hormone-binding globulin: Effects of zinc on steroid-binding specificity. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 85(2-5), 195-200. – Link
- Higdon, J., J.V. Drake, and H. Emily. OregonState.edu Z. 2014 2014-04-23; – Link