Stress and Testosterone

stress lowers testosterone

Stress, Anxiety, and Testosterone Levels

You already know stress and anxiety take a toll on your body and overall health, but you probably didn’t know it also has a seriously bad effect on your testosterone levels.

There is a negative correlation between the “stress hormone” cortisone and testosterone, meaning when cortisone goes up, testosterone goes down[1]. And not only is cortisone linked to your testosterone levels but it’s impact can have a near instant effect when cortisone spikes.

Not feeling “in the mood” after a bad day? That could be cortisone taking its toll on your testosterone level with its immediate effect. Long-term stress can be even more damaging because your body keeps up the levels of cortisone to try to deal with your stressors. On a biological level, your body goes into “fight-or-flight” mode, and reproductive vigor is just not an immediate priority. Your body’s resources are being diverted elsewhere, and you’re simply not able produce testosterone at a maximum level.

Reducing the stress in your life or at least working on your ability to cope with that stress is a fundamental key to maximizing your testosterone production.

  1. Hoogeveen, A.R. and M.L. Zonderland, Relationships between testosterone, cortisol and performance in professional cyclists. Int J Sports Med, 1996. 17(6): p. 423-8.


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